The construction time lapse or construction time lapse video are videos in time lapse which follow the evolution of the construction of a building or any other construction project. Some companies offer services to follow the construction process through time lapse shots.
Useful tips for monitoring a construction site

The uses of time lapse on construction sites
It is noted that the main utility of a time lapse camera on a construction project is in the monitoring. It is necessary for an entity to follow the constant evolution of the construction process. It is necessary for an entity to follow the constant evolution of the construction process. It has committed quite expensive capital in some cases to leave the whole project just in the hands of the builders. Follow up construction site means it is necessary to follow the construction work on the site fits this utility of a time lapse camera.
The use of time lapse construction is also justified by the fact that the video rendering of the work can be used as a means of communication for the construction company. It is always easier to communicate through images than through words. These images will serve the interest of the company to attract investors and possible customers.
It is advisable for the construction team manager to use the time lapse to manage every detail of the construction implementation. The manager is responsible for the management of the team. He is also in charge of time management or commonly called time-management. A construction project always follows a deadline to be respected after the signature of a contract. The respect of this schedule is therefore essential for the satisfaction and the loyalty of the investors.
The use of time lapse camera is also requested for the aspect of quality control. It is necessary that during the construction period the terms of the specifications between investor and builder are respected to the letter. This type of continuous control is only possible with the intervention of the time lapse camera.
The necessary adjustments for a successful time lapse construction
A time lapse construction requires specialists to ensure the installation of the time lapse camera to avoid any inconvenience to the customer once the construction has started. It is necessary that the camera is equipped with a suitable mounting bracket. This support will allow to endure strong shocks or jolts during the construction process. The specialist will perform repeated tests on the camera to find the flaws of this support. This specialist will establish a schedule with the investor to find the time lapse sequences that best suit him. This process will depend on the overall construction schedule. A construction process that lasts longer will need longer or more spaced sequences. A shorter one will need less.
The installation of the equipment on the site is followed by the installation of the web interface. This web interface will allow the customer to follow in real time everything that the time lapse camera is filming. It is up to the specialist to ensure that the customer has direct access to this interface.
It is the duty and obligation of the company installing the time lapse camera to do the necessary maintenance for the proper functioning of the device. This kind of maintenance must be part of the planning of this company with respect to customer satisfaction. It can be done either remotely for the daily maintenance actions, or directly on site, in case of need of repair of the device.
Using the time lapse construct for the future
Entities using the time lapse construction see further in their communication project. They will be able to use the film made through the construction process to promote themselves and expand their field of activity. It is important for these entities to match the final rendering of the film with a design that suits them. This visual aspect will benefit them in every way.
In other cases, the time lapse construction will make it possible to visualize in a very short time lapse, all the work that has been done during a few years. The parties involved in the construction will be able to draw some lessons from it in order to improve their way of working, each on their side. There are also the promoters of the time lapse camera who will try to always propose new and diversified services to reach more customers.
The free use of the internet can be the key for the time lapse construction clientele in order to make more people aware of the work done to achieve a certain result. This can cause them to change their perspective on how they view something. A lack of recognition and too much ignorance is often found in the vision of the public using modern infrastructure. The time lapse construction will serve as a means of raising awareness on the importance of respecting certain buildings because of the time that was spent on its construction.